{this is me messing around}
{end of messing around}

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday #1!


What's up, fellow readers? Happy Friday (Or late Thursday, rather)! This is my first shot at the weekly meme Feature & Follow Friday hosted Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Click here or here to learn how to participate!

Now, on to the question: 

Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?

Hmm, good question. Now that I think of it, what I read definitely changes with my mood. Right now, for example, it's summer, which means my life is chill, cheerful and, all in all, fun! Lately I've been gravitating towards the light, funny contemporary fiction because of the chillness of my life right now. No need to get my mood dragged down by those heavy, depressing novels, eh? BUT! I'm sure that, in the depths of the Canadian winter, while I'm swamped with projects and exams and math and my life isn't so relaxed, my mood will be quite a bit more down to earth. Then, it'll be time for...drumroll...epic fantasy adventure books! I'm not quite sure why it's this way with me. It just is. 

Thanks a bunch for visiting! 
Link me to your Follow Friday and I will be ecstatic to check out your blog!

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