Hey y'all! It's everybody's favourite day of the week: MONDAY! (Haha, joking.) So today I'm going to be doing my very first meme ever, "It's Monday! What are you reading?", hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. (I've always wanted to do one of these meme thingys, and now that I have a blog, I can! Muahaha.)
(I also realize that I should have gotten this post up earlier today. Oopsies. Trial and error, right?!)
So let us begin with the books I read last week:
Books Read Last Week:
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
(See my review here!)
I cannot even express how much I liked this book again. It was SO ASLDKFJASLDKFJASLDKFJ. (That was me spazzing with it's greatness.)
(Random tidbit you should know about me: for somebody who loves books, I sure am a slow reader, especially when the book is good. That might sound weird, 'cause why would anybody read a good book slowly? I just like to savour the amazingness of the story, you know? Can anybody relate to this?)
Currently Reading:

Matched by Ally Condie
I don't really know why, but my expectations for this book weren't too high. I wasn't going to read it. The synopsis was slightly intriguing though, and the cover was just so pretty. (I know, "Don't judge a book by it's cover, blah blah blabbity.) Let me tell you, it's definitely exceeding my expectations so far! The first half was slow (in fact, the entire book is pretty slow), but I like the characters better than I thought I would...
To Be Read This Week:

Abandon by Meg Cabot
I'm really excited to read this one, mainly because it's a modern twist on the Greek myth of Persephone, goddess of the Underworld.
For those who don't know, Persephone, daughter of the harvest goddess, was tricked into eating Underworld-ian pomegranate seeds by Hades, condemning her to live in the depressing Underworld with him four months a year.
A modern twist on that? How awesome does that sound?

Notes From The Blender by Trish Cook and Brendan Halpin
Serious books are cool and all, but funny books? Love love love. It's basically the whole reason why I picked up Notes From The Blender; it sounds really funny. A death-metal loving teenage boy and a typical, popular, girly-girl becoming step-brother and step-sister. GIMME!
So that's pretty much it, guys! My first meme completed! LEVEL UP! *triumphant video game music*
Love the Blog!!! And I am reading Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness, and Whistle Down the Wind .
Thanks a lot Amy! :) Awesome, I'll have to check those books out!
DeleteHi, new follower from Book Blogs! Thanks for following my blog!
Hi Candace! Thanks for following! :)
DeleteHi, love your blog! I'm reading the wedding girl by Madeleine Wickham its been around for a while but I only just got to and I'm loving it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for following my blog marchhousebookscom.blogspot.co.uk/ I'm your newest follower!
Hi Barbara! Thanks for following! Nice to hear you're liking the book, I'll have to check it out. :)